This support article will show you how to initiate a chat request with
our support team.
This article assumes that you are already familiar with how to log in
to the customer control panel, or at least have your control panel
login credentials. If you d...
The customer control panel allows you to store certain types of files,
if needed. This is especially useful if you wish to upload or save SSL
certificates or keys, website pages, or even a control panel user
photo. You can also download these files again ...
When your control panel user is first created, or when it is updated,
you will see a notice stating the user is not confirmed. Until the
user is confirmed, the message will stay in the control panel, and you
may not be able to create support tickets. Conf...
Control Panel users have three default roles to use as access
restrictions: Control Panel Default, Account Administrator, and
Technical Default. If you want to create a new, custom role for a user
for specific situations, you can do so via the control pan...
Q: What is a security passphrase?
A: The passphrase is one-step verification method for you to use if
you need to call our support or billing teams. This will replace the
previous verification methods of providing the last four digits of
your credit card...
This article will show you how to update your control panel contact
information. Contact information is stored for your primary account
contact (this is where all notices regarding your account, tickets, or
billing issues will default to), as well as for ...
If you are concerned about unauthorized access to your control panel,
you can access and review all users' login history for both successful
and failed login attempts.
This article assumes that you are already familiar with how to log in
to the customer...
This support article will show you how to review your support tickets
through the control panel.
This article assumes that you are already familiar with how to log in
to the customer control panel, or at least have your control panel
login credentials. ...
This article will show you how to create a new control panel user, as
well as describe how to give the user specific access permissions
and/or to restrict the user to a specific subscription.
This article assumes that you are already familiar with how t...
SSL files like the Certificate, Private Keys and even Certificate
Authority (CA) files can be stored in the Control Panel for later
access if needed. Anyone with Account Administrator access can store,
retrieve and manage them. This article will show you ...
If one of your users has forgotten his or her control panel password
and has entered an incorrect password too many times, the control
panel will temporarily lock their user account from access. This lock
expires after a few minutes, so they can wait and ...
This support article will show you how to submit tickets through the
control panel. Tickets submitted through the Control Panel are
automatically verified, meaning they require no further information
for our support or billing teams to complete the reques...
This support article will show you how to set or change your security
passphrase. The passphrase is one-step verification method if you need
to call in to our support or billing teams. This passphrase is unique
to your account, and will allow us to easily...
Changing your control panel user passwords can be done in a few simple
* To login to your control panel, browse to the login page at [], or, at the top
of our website click "Control Panel Login"...