Knowledgebase: Control Panel

How to Create a New User Role

Posted by Quinton Moore on August 06 2014 01:56 PM

Control Panel users have three default roles to use as access restrictions: Control Panel Default, Account Administrator, and Technical Default. If you want to create a new, custom role for a user for specific situations, you can do so via the control panel. 

This article assumes that you are already familiar with how to log in to the customer control panel. If you do not know how to log in or have forgotten your password, please refer to this article first.

User Role MUST include "Own CP Access" in order to be able to log into the Control Panel. if you do not add this role to your new user, it will state that the user is Disabled.

  • Click on the Account tab, then select "Account Settings".

  • Select "More Tools".

  • Click "Hosting Roles Configuration" under the Account Data section.

  • Click "Add New Role".

  • Enter a name for the new role, as well as a description (optional). Click Next.

  • Select the permissions you want for the new role from the list. You have the ability to select from Disabled, View, Manage, or Admin permissions for each role. You can find a list of what each role and permission does here. Once selected, scroll down and click the Finish button on the bottom of the page.


After your new role is created, you can use this support article to create or modify an existing user so that it will use the new role.

User Role MUST include "Own CP Access" in order to be able to log into the Control Panel. if you do not add this role to your new user, it will state that the user is Disabled.


If you have any further questions that were not answered in this article, please contact us.

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