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Knowledgebase : Shared Hosting > SiteBackup

If you have already ordered the Site Backup Service this will provide you the steps to log in. If you have not yet ordered the service and would like to please follow our guide to order it here [
If you have already activated the SiteBackup service and would like to change the storage plan, you can do so at any time via the customer control panel. If you have not already activated the service, you should start with the activation guide located her...
Q: WHAT IS SITEBACKUP? A: SiteBackup, powered by Dropmysite, is a complete backup solution for backing up your websites and databases. SiteBackup also provides website performance monitoring and website blacklist monitoring, both of which will instantly...
SiteBackup is a complete backup solution for backing up your websites and databases. SiteBackup also provides website performance monitoring and website blacklist monitoring, all via one user-friendly interface. This article walks through the steps needed...
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