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How to Order Spam ExpertsPosted by on November 13 2013 12:26 PM
To enable Spam Experts filtering on your email domain, you must first purchase the resource under an existing web hosting subscription. This article assumes that you are already familiar with how to log in to the customer control panel. If you do not know how to log in or have forgotten your password, please refer to this article first.
Note: This ensures that you are billed for your Spam Experts service on the same billing cycle as your other services. If you do not specify your number of domains, you will simply get billed each month based on your "over-usage" and will receive an email each month letting you know you are being billed for that usage. (Example: Let's say you enabled service for 3 domains but because the resource count was still at zero, you would be billed for an over-usage of 3 domains). Over-usage gets billed at the end of each month, even if you have quarterly or annual billing set for your accounts. If you have any further questions that were not answered in this article, please contact us.
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