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Getting Started with Spam ExpertsPosted by on August 26 2013 04:16 PM
Congratulations on becoming spam free! Spam Experts is quite easy to use and requires little to get started but there are a few things you should check and decide on. Once you have ordered your Spam Experts filtering service, there are two things you will need to do before it is fully activated. 1. Confirm Your Inbound Mail Route (Where Spam Experts should deliver your email)
2. Update Your Domain's MX Record
What Next? Spam Experts is ready to go after your MX is updated, however, you may want to review some of the following configurations and settings.
As each user is discovered and their quarantine is created, do you want them to receive a quarantine activation email and daily or weekly notification emails? If Yes, click on "Periodic User Report" and click 'Enable' to automatically activate for all recipients. (This may be enabled by default.)
Do you want to receive domain-level reports on a regular frequency? If yes, click on Periodic Domain Reports and ensure the box is checked. You can also select weekly and daily frequency. Weekly reports are sent on Sundays.
Click on Filter Settings to adjust the Quarantine and Tag thresholds. Spam Experts has these 'optimized' for performance and recommends keeping them as as their pre-set defaults. If desired, you can adjust these settings here.
Do you have multiple domains using the same email usernames? In the Domain Aliases section you can very easily add any alias domains you may have. Instructions for configuring domain aliases can be found here: Managing Domain Aliases in Spam Experts
Click on "Domain Settings" to specify your admin contact email address and your time zone.
Under the "Email Restrictions" section, you can block certain attachment types and also restrict email size to further protect your organization. You can also set a maximum email size limit.
Under the "Whitelist/Blacklist" section in the Spam Experts web interface menu bar, you can specify sender and recipient blacklists and white lists. Use the Sender Whitelist to create trusted senders or domains whose messages will never be blocked.
Use the Recipient Whitelist to disable spam filtering for one of your email addresses.
Use the Sender Blacklist to block all mail from certain email addresses and domain names.
Use the Recipient Blacklist to block all mail sent to one of your email addresses. It may be wiser to simply delete this email account.
Spam Experts provides multiple options for reporting spam. The "Report Spam" and "Report Not Spam" links offer a drag and drop style interface for you to drag the .eml version of your email to train the filter. There are also email Report Spam Plugins available for Outlook, Thunderbird and Mac Mail. You can download these from the links in this article: Spam Reporting Plugins
Spam Experts quarantines messages that were blocked from delivery to your inbox. These messages are kept on the Spam Experts server for your review. Full instructions on viewing or managing your spam quarantine can be found here: How to Manage Your Spam Experts Quarantine List You can also access the spam qaurantine via IMAP if you are using an email program such as Outlook or Thunderbird: Accessing the Spam Experts Quarantine via IMAP
Each user will either be instructed to create an account from their quarantine activation email or they can simply go to to have a password reset email sent to them. All quarantine notification emails give the user the option to release messages. User accounts use the same control panel as the domain level accounts. However, the options granted to the users are limited. Users have access to the following, only for their own individual email addresses: Log Search, Spam Quarantine, Delivery Queue, Report Spam, Report Not Spam, Periodic User Report, Recipient Whitelist, and User's Profile.
As a domain administrator, you can view the quarantine activity for all users directly from the Spam Quarantine. You can also log in to your users accounts and change user passwords.
Use the "Manage Email Users" link to manually create new user accounts. You can also view existing users and use the drop down arrow next to each user to edit, log in as, or delete a user. The edit option allows you to change a users password. Use the "Manage Permissions" link to limit features of the end user's control panel.
If you want to log in to the control panel directly, or if you wish to utilize the IMAP quarantine, you will need to update the domain admin password for Spam Experts. You can do this from the User's Profile link at the bottom of left hand menu once logged in. You can also use the reset password link from to have an email sent to your administrative email address (enter the domain name instead of an email address when requesting the admin password). Please bear in mind that once you change the domain admin password, you will no longer be able to log in through your HostMySite control panel, as we cannot re-synchronize the login link to the updated password you have set. | |