Knowledgebase: DNS

How to Bulk Update Domain Name Servers

Posted by on August 31 2015 04:02 PM

For any domain registered with HostMySite, you are able to update the name servers via your control panel. Due to DNS caching, when changing your name servers, you can expect anywhere up to 48 hours for full DNS propagation of the change. Our control panel allows you to update a single domain's name servers individually, or to update multiple domains at a time. This article provides information on changing multiple domains' name servers. To see how to change a single domain, please see this article.

This article assumes that you are already familiar with how to log in to the customer control panel. If you do not know how to log in or have forgotten your password, please refer to this article first.

  • On the control panel Home tab, click "Registered Domains" under the Domains & DNS section.

  • Click "Bulk Update DNS".

  • Since some of your domains may have differing name servers, or because you may not already know your current domain name servers, it is recommended that you leave the "Replace" boxes blank. This means you will only need to enter the new name servers and check the "Save As # Name Server" box. Once the new name servers are listed, click Next.

  • Select the check box to the left of all domains you wish to update. Once selected, click the Update button on the top of the page.

If you have any further questions that were not answered in this article, please contact us.

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