Knowledgebase: Plesk 12

How to Upgrade Plesk

Posted by on October 26 2015 02:11 PM

Keeping Plesk up to date is the best way to take advantage of its latest features and to avoid any potential security issues that can arise when running outdated software.

This article will show you how to upgrade your Plesk panel to the latest version. As with all guides for major server changes, there is always the possibility that something may break. Because of this, it is recommended that you take a backup of the server prior to making any changes or upgrade.

  • In Plesk, navigate to the Server tab or the Server Management section. You will want to open the Tools & Settings page.
  • From the Plesk Panel category, select "Updates and Upgrades". **Alternately, once you log in to Plesk, you can go directly to - where the ##### is your instanturl id.**

  • A new tab should open, and will show any updates available. Click "Install or Upgrade Product"

  • Select the new Plesk version that will be installed from the drop down menu, then click Continue.

  • A log of all commands and output will be listed, along with status changes during the upgrade process.

  • After a few minutes, this process will complete. You will see a success message, or any errors with the upgrade process will be displayed for you to review and resolve before attempting another upgrade. Click OK once completed.

If you have any further questions that were not answered in this article, please contact us.

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