Knowledgebase: SmarterStats

How to View a Standard Report in SmarterStats

Posted by on September 09 2015 05:13 PM

Standard Reports are collections of report items that convey information as a whole, rather than one piece at a time, and are most beneficial to a particular person or occupation. For example, a Webmaster maintaining a site would find the Webmaster Report to be very beneficial as it includes many report items relating to the website (visitor statistics, browsers used, server errors, etc.). Standard reports are comprised of a variety of different report items, so you may notice it takes a bit longer to display these than it does to view each individual report item on its own. This is due to the different queries being run against the available data.

  • From the SmarterStats web interface, select the Reports button on the top tool bar, then expand Standard Reports on the left navigation menu.

  • Click the name of the report you wish to view.
    • CEO Overview Report: The chief executive officer (CEO) report gives an overview of the website statistics as well as the reports that are being used by the other employees in their organization (SEO, marketing, and webmaster).
    • Marketing Report: The marketing report allows you to make informed decisions about search engine marketing campaigns. Additionally, this report can easily show the impact a banner advertising or showcase advertising campaign has on website traffic or sales. You will be able to see which search engines give the site the most referring traffic, which keywords or phrases are pointing users to the site, and which specific entry and exit pages visitors are using. This means you can target specific pages with advertising and judge the effectiveness of these ad campaigns on the website.
    • Search Engine Report: The search engine optimization report (SEO) contains report items relevant to analyzing and determining your website's presence and prominence on search engines.
    • Site Activity: The site activity report is designed to give a snapshot of activity on your website. Some of the items included in this report are top pages, top directories, top downloads, entry and exit pages, browsers, platforms, IP information, and visitor details.
    • Site Usage Report: The site usage report is exclusively designed to give a complete look at bandwidth usage on the website. Using this report, a site owner can see which files are responsible for the highest bandwidth usage and act accordingly (optimize, etc.).
    • Site User Report: The site user report gathers and displays information about who visits your website. Items included in this report reference browsers, platforms, IPs (by views/visits, hits, bandwidth), and recent visitor stats and details.
    • Webmaster Report: The webmaster report looks primarily at the browsers and platforms connecting to the website, along with any server errors (404, 500, etc.) that may occur. Additionally, the top documents and downloads by views/visits, and the top entry pages will be displayed. The webmaster can then target trouble spots on the website, or optimize pages and graphics.

If you have any further questions that were not answered in this article, please contact us.

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