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Symantec Email Security Spam Quarantine Settings and ConfigurationPosted by on May 31 2013 11:09 AM
This KB outlines the URL for the Symantec Email Security Spam Quarantine and Settings review within the ClientNet. Spam Quarantine: You can access the spam manager website at When a domain name and addresses are first provisioned within the ClientNet, spam manager accounts are created automatically as addresses receive spam. When a spam message is received this triggers the quarantine activation and a welcome email is sent typically within 12 hours with a link to activate your Spam Manager account. For new addresses that you add in to the ClientNet later a welcome email will not be sent. Additional users will be sent a notification email regarding any spam in their Spam Manager account and the Forgot Password link on the login page can be used to create a password for account activation. The Spam Manager is designed primary for viewing and releasing messages that have been quarantined but you can also select your individual notification frequency (to over-ride the default global domain notification frequency) and add alias addresses to your Quarantine. You can manage these settings from the Options tab and then select Notifications and Manage Aliases. ClientNet Anti-Spam Detection Settings: By default most of the Detection settings for the Quarantine will be set to Quarantine the mail by default. Review and adjust these settings if desired to Block and delete the mail or another available option from Services -> Email Services -> Anti-Spam -> Detection Settings Predictive Spam Detection Under this setting you can also choose how emails determined to be newsletters can be handled. If you do not want to receive all those newsletters you can check the box and select how they're handled. ClientNet Anti-Spam Quarantine Settings: The Quarantine Settings tab contains options regarding notification summaries and what users are able to do and see in their individual Spam Quarantines. Notification Frequency Notifications are enabled with daily frequency by default. If you already have users registered and then change the frequency that change will effect new users going forward. Existing users will need to adjust the frequency in their own Spam Manager accounts to over-ride the default setting that was in place when their Quarantine was activated. You can review and adjust your notifications and schedules. Select Summary notification frequency and controls from Notification Content You can also enable an option to allow users to release messages directly from the quarantine notification summaries. This setting is called Users can delete emails directly from notifications. Please note that with this setting enabled new users will not receive welcome emails, instead they'll simply get the notifications that allow them to release a message right from the email. If a user that did not receive a welcome email wishes to log in to their Quarantine they can simply use the Forgot Password link located on the Spam Manager Login page to have a password re-set email sent to them. Quarantine Administrators By default the service is geared towards each user having a spam quarantine account they can log in to for viewing and releasing their own spam messages as well as deciding their own notification frequency. If you would like to 'administer' the service for your organization you can specify a Quarantine Administrator. Creating a Quarantine Administrator creates a new Administration tab inside of the Administrators Spam Manager account that allows them to view other users Quarantines or even alias them without user approval to their own Spam Manager account. Below are links to the administrator guides provided for your convenience: Email Anti-Spam Administrator Guide Anti-Spam Spam Manager User Guide See also Help on Email Anti-Spam. If you have any further questions that were not answered in this article, please contact us. | |